In [37]:
from IPython.display import HTML

function code_toggle() {
 if (code_show){
 } else {
 code_show = !code_show
$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
<form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" value="Click here to toggle on/off the raw code."></form>''')


In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Generating sentiment scores with SentiWordNet

First, we need to load the entire NYTimes article corpus and load the sentiment analysis routine we created (from

In [8]:
DATA_DIR = "./data/"

In [9]:
all_data_list = []
for year in range(1990,2017):
    data = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + '{}_Output.csv'.format(year), header=None, encoding="utf-8")
    all_data_list.append(data) # list of dataframes
data = pd.concat(all_data_list, axis=0)
data.columns = ['id','date','headline', 'lead']

# Drop dupes and fix dates
data = data.drop_duplicates("id").reset_index(drop=True) = pd.to_datetime(

# Fill null articles
data.loc[data.lead.isnull(), "lead"] = ""

In [3]:
# Can be found in, or also the SentiWordNet notebook.

# If it complains about missing corpuses, try:

import sentiwordnet

We'll subset the data and process it year by year because it is computationally expensive, so we don't want to have to repeat the whole process year by year, and we might also want the intermediate results later.

In [ ]:
import datetime

years = list(reversed(
years = range(1990, 2017)

for year in years:
    data_subset = data[ == year].set_index("id")
    sentiments_subset = pd.DataFrame(
        map(sentiwordnet.get_sentiment_2, data_subset.lead.values),
        columns=["score", "count"]
    sentiments_subset.index = data_subset.index.copy()

We can then load these up again later, and take a look at the format:

In [5]:
years = range(1990, 2017)

sentiments = []
for year in years:
    sentiment = pd.read_csv("./sentiments_{}.csv".format(year))
sentiments = pd.concat(sentiments)

id score count
0 4fd1aa888eb7c8105d6c860e 0.500 26
1 52b85b7738f0d8094087c782 0.125 10
2 52b85b7638f0d8094087c780 0.375 18
3 52b85b7538f0d8094087c77f -0.250 14
4 4fd18d4c8eb7c8105d691815 0.125 15

In [10]:
data_subset = data[].set_index("id")
data_subset = data_subset.join(sentiments.set_index("id"))

We can also view some histograms to see the distribution of the score values and sentiment-word counts:

In [18]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5))

data_subset["score"].hist(bins=100, ax=ax[0])
data_subset["count"].hist(bins=100, ax=ax[1])

plt.title("Distribution of scores and sentiment word counts across all articles")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x121a70050>

As we can see, the scores are very nicely distributed around 0. Some examples of positive sentiment articles:

In [19]:
data_subset.nlargest(15, "score")

date headline lead score count
4fd20ae28eb7c8105d778279 1998-03-24 Paid Notice: Deaths MENDELSON, HERBERT MENDELSON-Herbert. Thanks for the integral par... 32.750 676
4fd1e6608eb7c8105d7327fe 1994-09-04 The Man Carrying the Ball for Murdoch "HILL here," David Hill answered the telephone... 31.513 1578
4fd20edc8eb7c8105d7807d5 1997-04-27 Should You Roll Out the Welcome Mat for HDTV? THE Government vote early this month to begin ... 30.625 798
4fd19ee78eb7c8105d6b260b 1992-01-11 Views of Bush's Trip From Corner Offices American executives from many areas of industr... 29.125 694
4fd21b348eb7c8105d79a6f9 2002-02-17 Know More, Pay Less AMERICANS can exercise far more control over h... 27.625 1341
4fd19d798eb7c8105d6afa58 1991-03-03 All About/Medical Supplies; Removing the Wareh... In the palmy years before the nationwide squee... 27.500 876
4fd1ce308eb7c8105d7060b2 1995-07-31 Windows of Opportunity for Microsoft REDMOND, Wash. The Microspft Corporation plans... 26.103 824
4fd2233c8eb7c8105d7a8ece 2002-12-22 Personal Business; It's Dec. 24: Do You Know W... IF you haven't completed your holiday shopping... 25.375 752
4fd259ae8eb7c8105d8061f4 2004-10-10 When Incomes Rise, Follow the Money COMPANIES trying to reach a mass market for th... 24.750 502
4fd239688eb7c8105d7ccf57 2002-08-25 Bubble Beneficiaries Telecommunications executives made billions of... 24.125 847
4fd207e58eb7c8105d772622 1996-08-16 Debt and Executive Turmoil Keep Danskin Hobbling These are exciting times for makers of women's... 23.500 1076
4fd1c36c8eb7c8105d6f2779 1992-09-06 The Executive Computer; Be It a Whale or a Din... EVERYONE knows what happened to the dinosaurs ... 22.625 830
4fd244368eb7c8105d7ddf15 2004-12-19 Innovation, Leadership And Still No Satisfaction WHAT do the Rolling Stones and the Salvation A... 22.125 483
4fd247898eb7c8105d7e33f2 2005-04-24 Outsourcing As a Sign of Strength THE positive aspects of outsourcing technology... 22.000 489
4fd19c478eb7c8105d6adb5d 1991-11-05 HOUSE TURNS DOWN BANKING OVERHAUL BY 324-TO-89... Acceding to the White House and the nation's l... 21.728 890

Some examples of negative snetiment articles:

In [20]:
data_subset.nsmallest(15, "score")

date headline lead score count
52b85f5d38f0d8094087cc5c 1991-11-28 How the Senate Voted on the S.& L. Bill Following is the 44-33 roll-call vote by which... -10.125 284
4fd19cd88eb7c8105d6ae742 1990-11-09 Retail Sales Were Slow Last Month The nation's largest retail chains reported di... -8.500 520
4fd237118eb7c8105d7c9875 2000-07-28 STING LOSES ON DOMAIN NAME The British pop star Sting lost his attempt to... -8.375 61
4fd27e7f8eb7c8105d8474ec 2004-05-23 Calm Down. That Wolf at the Door Has Been Here... LATELY, even more than usual, the word of the ... -7.250 64
4fd1d0828eb7c8105d70a3df 1993-09-03 F.D.A. APPROVES MYLAN'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUG Shares of Mylan Laboratories Inc. shot up yest... -7.125 60
4fd20a728eb7c8105d777399 2000-09-26 I.R.S. Issues Revised Memo On Kidnapping The Internal Revenue Service, which came under... -7.125 84
4fd260f88eb7c8105d811aa3 2005-09-02 BUSINESS DIGEST In Storm's Wake, Turmoil in Energy Market Spur... -7.125 414
4fd19e168eb7c8105d6b07f1 1991-03-15 Europe Clears Centocor Drug Centocor Inc., a biotechnology company based i... -7.000 41
4fd1a1658eb7c8105d6b6eae 1992-09-06 Business Diary: August 30 - September 4 INTERNATIONAL Failing Pravda Gets a Partner Wh... -7.000 922
4fd20e878eb7c8105d7801b5 1999-05-09 Corrections The Working column on April 25, about personal... -7.000 65
4fd263028eb7c8105d815722 2006-02-09 World Business Briefing | Asia: China: Yahoo S... The Hong Kong unit of Yahoo Inc. provided data... -7.000 125
4fd26da48eb7c8105d82723d 2002-02-27 Technology Briefing | Internet: Yahoo Headed F... A French criminal court said yesterday that it... -6.875 99
4fd1c10f8eb7c8105d6f015a 1990-10-24 Economic Scene; Who Will Pay For the Big One? THE earthquake that slammed through the San Fr... -6.750 424
4fd20fd88eb7c8105d78318d 1997-06-16 An optical fiber composite to monitor the stru... AIRPLANE accidents often result from a chain o... -6.625 64
4fd1cfde8eb7c8105d708fcd 1992-05-21 Salomon to Pay Phony-Bid Fine Of $290 Million Salomon Brothers Inc. agreed today to pay $290... -6.500 124

Now, we can aggregate sentiment data up to days:

In [23]:
daily_sentiment = data_subset[["date", "score", "count"]].set_index("date").resample("D").sum()
daily_sentiment["avg_score"] = daily_sentiment["score"] / daily_sentiment["count"]

score count avg_score
1990-01-01 9.250 535.0 0.017290
1990-01-02 17.875 1020.0 0.017525
1990-01-03 29.875 1291.0 0.023141
1990-01-04 24.500 981.0 0.024975
1990-01-05 22.750 991.0 0.022957

And save the file:

In [64]:

Now, we can also reduce the data to only the first two weeks of each month, to see if we can later use this as a predictor for the CCI, which gets released at the beginning of every month:

In [24]:
first_two = daily_sentiment[ < 15]

In [25]:

score count avg_score
1990-01-01 9.250 535.0 0.017290
1990-01-02 17.875 1020.0 0.017525
1990-01-03 29.875 1291.0 0.023141
1990-01-04 24.500 981.0 0.024975
1990-01-05 22.750 991.0 0.022957

In [34]:
plt.title("Sentiment scores from 1990-2016")
first_two.avg_score.resample("MS").mean().plot(label="First two weeks of the month")
daily_sentiment.avg_score.resample("MS").mean().plot(label="Monthly score")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x12683ab50>

And from there we can aggregate up to the monthly range, to match our CCI indicator:

In [35]:
monthly_sentiment = data_subset[["date", "score", "count"]].set_index("date").resample("MS").sum()
monthly_sentiment["avg_score"] = monthly_sentiment["score"] / monthly_sentiment["count"]

score count avg_score
1990-01-01 767.819 55530 0.013827
1990-02-01 675.360 55170 0.012241
1990-03-01 725.750 56620 0.012818
1990-04-01 826.457 62133 0.013301
1990-05-01 796.319 56484 0.014098

In [ ]: